AndIPCam (Android IP-Cam)

Makes your Android mobile phone into an IP-Cam!

Just start AndIPCam, check your settings and push the start-button.

- includes its own small Java Applet for live display in a browser
- includes a website, that refreshes the image every 2 seconds with JavaScript
- can send live-pictures over the internet to AndIPCamViewer
- includes a help-page with all the links
- works over wifi and usb (when wifi is deactivated)
- automatic and manual upload to your webpage with http (script) or FTP
- switch LED-Light on (if available)
- displays the amound of send data

IP-Camera guide

Pictureupload (Userupload-Galerie)

If you have problems with my app, please send me an email and upload the errorlog (if exists) or you can discuss it in my Board.
If you want to translate AndIPCam into another language contact me too (english xml-file).

- Android 1.6 powered mobile phone
- working wifi or usb-connection or internet-connection for picture upload

with connection problems:
- try your connection for example with the app FTPServer

The Demo is limited to 400 images.

Changes in 1.4
- displays amound of send data
- upload to AndIPCamViewer
- code rewritten

Links to AndIPCam in Android-Market
demo: full version:
For suggestions and questions you can mail me: